Parametric circuit
Quantum circuits with variable parameters play an important role in some quantum algorithms, especially variational algorithms. QURI Parts treats such circuits in a special way so that such algorithms can be efficiently performed. In QURI Parts, we provide 2 types of parametric ciricuits. For either type of circuits, the parametric gates are all Pauli rotation gates, but they hold the parameters in different ways. They are
In this tutorial, we clearly distinguish two types of parameters: circuit parameter and gate parameter. Circuit parameters refer to independent parameters the circuit holds. Gate parameters refer to the parameter each parametric gate in the circuit hold. Depending on type of the circuit, the gate parameters have different relations with the circuit parameters. In the case of UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
, gate parameters are trivial mapped as circuit parameters, i.e. they are the same. In the case of LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
, circuit parameters are linearly mapped to gate parameters, so it is generally possible that the number of gate parameters are different from the number of circuit parameters. We will make this clearer with concrete formulae and examples in later sections.
QURI Parts modules used in this tutorial: quri-parts-circuit
, quri-parts-core
and quri-parts-qulacs
. You can install them as follows:
# !pip install "quri-parts[qulacs]"
An unbound parameter in a parametric circuit is represented by a quri_parts.circuit.Parameter
class. A Parameter
object works as a placeholder for the parameter and does not hold any specific value. Identity of a Parameter
object is determined by identity of it as a Python object. Even if two Parameter
objects have the same name, they are treated as different parameters:
from quri_parts.circuit import Parameter, CONST
phi = Parameter("phi")
psi1 = Parameter("psi")
psi2 = Parameter("psi2")
# CONST is a pre-defined parameter that represents a constant.
print(phi, psi1, psi2, CONST)
print("phi == psi1:", phi == psi1)
print("psi1 == psi2:", psi1 == psi2)
print("phi == CONST:", phi == CONST)
print("Parameters are treated as different even if they have the same name")
print(" Parameter('phi') == Parameter('phi'):", Parameter("phi") == Parameter("phi"))
Parameter(name=phi) Parameter(name=psi) Parameter(name=psi2) Parameter(name=)
phi == psi1: False
psi1 == psi2: False
phi == CONST: False
Parameters are treated as different even if they have the same name
Parameter('phi') == Parameter('phi'): False
Parametric gates
The parametric gates are represented by the ParametricQuantumGate
object. It is an object containing only the attributes:
: name of the parametric gate.target_indices
: the qubit it acts on.control_indices
: the qubit that controls the gate on the target qubit.pauli_ids
: The sequence of Pauli matrix labels that represents the label of the Pauli rotation gates.
Like the QuantumGate
object, it is not to be constructed directly. In QURI Parts, we provide 4 factory functions for creating ParametricQuantumGates
. They are Pauli rotation gates with no concrete value of rotation angle bound to it.
from quri_parts.circuit import ParametricRX, ParametricRY, ParametricRZ, ParametricPauliRotation
print(ParametricPauliRotation(target_indics=(0, 1, 2, 3), pauli_ids=(3, 2, 1, 2)))
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRX', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=())
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRY', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=())
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRZ', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=())
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricPauliRotation', target_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=(3, 2, 1, 2))
An unbound parametric circuit where each parametric gate in it has its own parameter independent from other parameters. The gates can only depend on a parameter via:
where is any Pauli string. In addition to parametric gates, you can also add all the non-parametric gates supported by the usual QuantumCircuit
object to a parametric circuit. As an example, let's create a circuit with gates: . Here, , and are rotation gates with parameters independent of each other.
from quri_parts.circuit import UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
from quri_parts.circuit.utils.circuit_drawer import draw_circuit
parametric_circuit = UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit(2)
parametric_circuit.add_CNOT_gate(0, 1)
p_theta = parametric_circuit.add_ParametricRX_gate(0)
p_phi = parametric_circuit.add_ParametricRY_gate(0)
p_psi = parametric_circuit.add_ParametricRZ_gate(1)
___ ___ ___
| H | |PRX| |PRY|
0 --|0 |-----●-----|2 |---|3 |-
|___| | |___| |___|
_|_ ___
|CX | |PRZ|
1 ----------|1 |---|4 |---------
|___| |___|
We may check whether or not we have 3 independent parameters added to to circuit and assign values to them. As an example, we assign , , to the parameters.
print("Number of parameters in the circuit:", parametric_circuit.parameter_count)
# bind parameters:
print("Bind parameters:")
parametric_circuit.bind_parameters([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]).gates
Number of parameters in the circuit: 3
Bind parameters:
(QuantumGate(name='H', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='CNOT', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(0,), controlled_on=(1,), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='RX', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(0.1,), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='RY', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(0.2,), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='RZ', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(0.3,), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()))
Looking at the gates, we indeed get the desired circuit with the rotation gates being
[QuantumGate(name='H', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='CNOT', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(0,), controlled_on=(1,), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRX', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRY', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRZ', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=())]
We provide various properties for UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
Number of qubits of the circuit
print("qubit_count:", parametric_circuit.qubit_count)
qubit_count: 2
Depth of the parametric circuit
print("Circuit depth:", parametric_circuit.depth)
Circuit depth: 4
Number of circuit parameters.
print("Parameter count:", parametric_circuit.parameter_count)
Parameter count: 3
All the non-parametric and parametric gates.
[QuantumGate(name='H', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='CNOT', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(0,), controlled_on=(1,), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRX', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRY', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRZ', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=())]
All the non-parametric and parametric gates and the associated circuit parameters. If the gate is non-parametric, the associated parameter would be None
print("Gates and parameters:")
Gates and parameters:
((QuantumGate(name='H', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
(QuantumGate(name='CNOT', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(0,), controlled_on=(1,), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
(ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRX', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
(ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRY', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
(ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRZ', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
An UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
is a mutable object where we may freely add gates to. In the case where you want to freeze the parametric circuit like you freeze a QuantumCircuit
, you may use the freeze
method to create a new ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
where in-place gate additions are disabled.
frozen_parametric_circuit = parametric_circuit.freeze()
Note that if you freeze the frozen circuit again, you get the same frozen circuit back.
(frozen_parametric_circuit, frozen_parametric_circuit.freeze())
(<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_parametric.ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit at 0x10a8bbeb0>,
<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_parametric.ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit at 0x10a8bbeb0>)
In the case where you want to unfreeze the circuit, you may use the get_mutable_copy
<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_parametric.UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit at 0x105741f40>
Mutibality of bound circuit
When we bind the parametric circuit with concrete values, we obtain an ImmutableBoundParametricQuantumCircuit
. It is an immutable circuit that holds the original parametric circuit and the bound parameters. The parametric circuit held inside it is immutable.
bound_circuit = parametric_circuit.bind_parameters([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
print("parameter map:")
print("unbound circuit:")
parameter map:
{Parameter(name=): 0.1, Parameter(name=): 0.2, Parameter(name=): 0.3}
unbound circuit:
<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_parametric.ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit object at 0x10c5e7cd0>
Parameter mapping
Parametric circuits carry LinearParameterMapping
objects, which denotes how circuit parameters are mapped to gate parameters. In the case of UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
, there is no difference between circuit and gate parameters. We may show this with the has_trivial_parameter_mapping
Then, let's introduce the LinearParameterMapping
object stored inside an UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
. It can be retrieved by the .param_mapping
trivial_mapping = parametric_circuit.param_mapping
We may retrieve the circuit parameters with the in_params
property of the LinearParameterMapping
object. Note that when we use the .add_Parametric{}_gate()
method while constructing the circuit, we obtain a Parameter
object. In our example circuit above, they are stored inside the p_theta
, p_phi
, p_psi
variable. We may show that they are the same as the ones retrieved from .in_params
p_theta == parametric_circuit.param_mapping.in_params[0],
p_phi == parametric_circuit.param_mapping.in_params[1],
p_psi == parametric_circuit.param_mapping.in_params[2],
(True, True, True)
The gate parameters are represented by LinearParameterMapping.out_params
. As there is no distinction between the circuit and gate parameters for UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
s, we may check that the p_theta
, p_phi
, p_psi
are the same as .out_params
p_theta == parametric_circuit.param_mapping.out_params[0],
p_phi == parametric_circuit.param_mapping.out_params[1],
p_psi == parametric_circuit.param_mapping.out_params[2]
(True, True, True)
An unbound parametric circuit holding a set of independent circuit parameters . Different parametric gates generally hold these circuit parameters in the form of different linear functions in the exponent. To be more explicit, a linear mapped parametric gate can look like:
where and are coefficients set by the user. Let's have a quick look at how to construct these circuits. Now, let's create a LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
with 2 circuit parameters. and . Now, we implement a circuit that depends on the circuit parameters via .
import numpy as np
from quri_parts.circuit import LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit, CONST
linear_param_circuit = LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit(2)
theta, phi = linear_param_circuit.add_parameters("theta", "phi")
linear_param_circuit.add_CNOT_gate(0, 1)
linear_param_circuit.add_ParametricRX_gate(0, {theta: 1/2, phi: 1/3, CONST: np.pi/2})
linear_param_circuit.add_ParametricRY_gate(0, {theta: -1/2, phi: 1/3})
linear_param_circuit.add_ParametricRZ_gate(1, {theta: 1/3, phi: -1/2, CONST: -np.pi/2})
___ ___ ___
| H | |PRX| |PRY|
0 --|0 |-----●-----|2 |---|3 |-
|___| | |___| |___|
_|_ ___
|CX | |PRZ|
1 ----------|1 |---|4 |---------
|___| |___|
In the case of LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
, we need to use the add_parameter
or add_parameters
methods to assign single or multiple parameters to the circuit. Then, we pass the linear function of the parameters to the .add_Parametric{}_gate
in the form of a dictionary, whose key is the parameter and value is the corresponding coefficient. Here quri_parts.circuit.CONST
represents the constant term of a linear function
print("Number of parameters in the circuit:", linear_param_circuit.parameter_count)
# bind parameters:
print("Bind parameters:")
linear_param_circuit.bind_parameters([0.1, 0.2]).gates
Number of parameters in the circuit: 2
Bind parameters:
(QuantumGate(name='H', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='CNOT', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(0,), controlled_on=(1,), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='RX', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(1.6874629934615633,), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='RY', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(0.016666666666666663,), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='RZ', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(-1.6374629934615632,), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()))
Finally, it is worth mentioning that we can make the gate parameters become independent of each other, i.e. converting a LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
to an ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
. This is done by the .primitive_circuit
primitive_circuit = linear_param_circuit.primitive_circuit()
print("primitive_circuit is trivially mapped:", primitive_circuit.has_trivial_parameter_mapping)
<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_parametric.ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit object at 0x10df56460>
primitive_circuit is trivially mapped: True
We provide various properties for LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
. They are basically the same as those provided by an UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
, except that gates_and_params
is not provided for LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
Number of qubits of the circuit
print("qubit_count:", linear_param_circuit.qubit_count)
qubit_count: 2
Depth of the parametric circuit
print("Circuit depth:", linear_param_circuit.depth)
Circuit depth: 4
Number of circuit parameters.
print("Parameter count:", linear_param_circuit.parameter_count)
Parameter count: 2
All the non-parametric and parametric gates.
[QuantumGate(name='H', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), controlled_on=(), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
QuantumGate(name='CNOT', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(0,), controlled_on=(1,), classical_indices=(), params=(), pauli_ids=(), unitary_matrix=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRX', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRY', target_indices=(0,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=()),
ParametricQuantumGate(name='ParametricRZ', target_indices=(1,), control_indices=(), pauli_ids=())]
An LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
is a mutable object where we may freely add gates to. In the case where you want to freeze the parametric circuit like you freeze a QuantumCircuit
, you may use the freeze
method to create a new ImmutableLinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
where in-place gate additions are disabled.
frozen_linear_circuit = linear_param_circuit.freeze()
Note that if you freeze the frozen circuit again, you get the same frozen circuit back.
(frozen_linear_circuit, frozen_linear_circuit.freeze())
(<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_linear_mapped.ImmutableLinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit at 0x10df56490>,
<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_linear_mapped.ImmutableLinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit at 0x10df56490>)
In the case where you want to unfreeze the circuit, you may use the get_mutable_copy
<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_linear_mapped.LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit at 0x10df56580>
Mutability of bound circuit
When we bind the parametric circuit with concrete values, we obtain an ImmutableBoundParametricQuantumCircuit
. It is an immutable circuit that holds the original parametric circuit and the bound parameters. The parametric circuit held inside it is immutable. In the case of binding parameters to a linear mapped circuit, the unbound circuit held inside the returned ImmutableBoundParametricQuantumCircuit
is an ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
where the parameter mapping is trivial.
bound_linear_circuit = linear_param_circuit.bind_parameters([0.1, 0.2])
print("Parameter map:")
print("Unbound circuit:")
print("Mapping is trivial:", bound_linear_circuit.unbound_param_circuit.has_trivial_parameter_mapping)
Parameter map:
{Parameter(name=): 1.6874629934615633, Parameter(name=): 0.016666666666666663, Parameter(name=): -1.6374629934615632}
Unbound circuit:
<quri_parts.circuit.circuit_parametric.ImmutableUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit object at 0x10df588e0>
Mapping is trivial: True
Parameter mapping
Now, let's look at the parameter mapping of a LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
. As the circuit parameters are mapped to the gate parameters linearly, the has_trivial_parameter_mapping
property should be False
"Parameter mapping of LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit is trivial:",
Parameter mapping of LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit is trivial: False
The parameter mapping can be retrieved by the param_mapping
property. It returns a LinearParameterMapping
object. Starting from here, we introduce LinearParameterMapping
in detail.
linear_param_mapping = linear_param_circuit.param_mapping
In the LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit
we created above, there are 2 independent circuit parameters and . They can be accessed by the in_params
(Parameter(name=theta), Parameter(name=phi))
As there are 3 parameteric gates that depends on , there are 3 gate parameters , and . They can be accessed by the out_params
property. They are represented by 3 distinct Parameter
s with no names assigned to them.
(Parameter(name=), Parameter(name=), Parameter(name=))
The circuit parameters are mapped to the gate parameters via:
where the linear function can be accessed with the mapping
{Parameter(name=): mappingproxy({Parameter(name=theta): 0.5,
Parameter(name=phi): 0.3333333333333333,
Parameter(name=): 1.5707963267948966}),
Parameter(name=): mappingproxy({Parameter(name=theta): -0.5,
Parameter(name=phi): 0.3333333333333333}),
Parameter(name=): mappingproxy({Parameter(name=theta): 0.3333333333333333,
Parameter(name=phi): -0.5,
Parameter(name=): -1.5707963267948966})}
We also provide mapper
s that helps you compute the value of the gate parameters for specified values of circuit parameters. For example, suppose we want to compute gate parameters:
we may write:
linear_param_mapping.mapper({theta: 0.8, phi: 0.7})
{Parameter(name=): 2.20412966012823,
Parameter(name=): -0.1666666666666667,
Parameter(name=): -1.6541296601282298}
Finally, we introduce how to compute the derivatives of the gate parameters with respect to the circuit paramters, i.e.
This can be done with the get_derivatives
for p, d in zip(("θ", "φ"), linear_param_mapping.get_derivatives()):
print(f"Gate parameters' derivatives with respect to {p}: {d.seq_mapper([0.8, 0.7])}")
Gate parameters' derivatives with respect to θ: (0.5, -0.5, 0.3333333333333333)
Gate parameters' derivatives with respect to φ: (0.3333333333333333, 0.3333333333333333, -0.5)