
Gradient estimators

One of the most important element of performing optimization algorithms is computing the gradient of a physical observable's gradient with respect to a set of circuit parameters:

O(θ)θi \begin{equation} \frac{\partial \langle O\rangle (\vec{\theta})}{\partial \theta_i} \end{equation}

In this tutorial, we introduce the gradient estimators provided by QURI Parts. They are:

  • Numerical gradient estimator: A gradient estimator that estimates the gradient based on finite difference method.
  • Parameter shift gradient estimator: A gradient estimator that estimates the gradient based on the parameter shift method.


QURI Parts modules used in this tutorial: quri-parts-circuit, quri-parts-core, and quri-parts-qulacs. You can install them as follows:

!pip install "quri-parts[qulacs]"


A gradient estimator is represented by the GradientEstimator interface. It represents a function that estimates gradient values of an expectation value of a given Operator for a given parametric state with given parameter values (the third argument). It's function signature is

from typing import Callable, Sequence, Union
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeVar
from quri_parts.core.estimator import Estimatable, Estimates
from quri_parts.core.state import ParametricCircuitQuantumState, ParametricQuantumStateVector

# Generic type of parametric states
_ParametricStateT = TypeVar(
bound=Union[ParametricCircuitQuantumState, ParametricQuantumStateVector],

# Function signature of a `GradientEstimator` defined in QURI Parts.
GradientEstimator: TypeAlias = Callable[
[Estimatable, _ParametricStateT, Sequence[float]],

You may create a GradientEstimator from a generating function. They are often named as create_..._gradient_estimator. To create a GradientEstimator, you need to pass in a ConcurrentParametricQuantumEstimator to the generating function. Here, we use the one provided by quri_parts.qulacs

from quri_parts.qulacs.estimator import create_qulacs_vector_concurrent_parametric_estimator
concurrent_parametric_estimator = create_qulacs_vector_concurrent_parametric_estimator()


Let's prepare the operator and the parametric state we use through out this tutorial.

from quri_parts.core.operator import Operator, pauli_label

operator = Operator({
pauli_label("X0 Y1"): 0.5,
pauli_label("Z0 X1"): 0.2,

The linear mapping of the parametric circuit is slightly different from previous sections. Here, the circuit parameter and gate parameters are related via:

Θ1=(θ2+ϕ2+12)πΘ2=(θ2+ϕ3)πΘ3=(θ3ϕ212)π\begin{equation} \begin{split} \Theta_1 &= \left(\frac{\theta}{2} + \frac{\phi}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\right)\pi \\ \Theta_2 &= \left(-\frac{\theta}{2} + \frac{\phi}{3}\right)\pi \\ \Theta_3 &= \left(\frac{\theta}{3} - \frac{\phi}{2} - \frac{1}{2}\right)\pi \end{split} \end{equation}

for aesthetical reason when we discuss the details of the parameter shift rule later.

import numpy as np
from quri_parts.circuit import LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit, CONST
from quri_parts.core.state import quantum_state

n_qubits = 2
linear_param_circuit = LinearMappedUnboundParametricQuantumCircuit(n_qubits)
theta, phi = linear_param_circuit.add_parameters("theta", "phi")

linear_param_circuit.add_CNOT_gate(0, 1)
linear_param_circuit.add_ParametricRX_gate(0, {theta: np.pi/2, phi: np.pi/3, CONST: np.pi/2})
linear_param_circuit.add_ParametricRY_gate(0, {theta: -np.pi/2, phi: np.pi/3})
linear_param_circuit.add_ParametricRZ_gate(1, {theta: np.pi/3, phi: -np.pi/2, CONST: -np.pi/2})

param_state = quantum_state(n_qubits, circuit=linear_param_circuit)

Numerical gradient estimator

The numerical gradient estimator computes the gradient according to the finite difference method, i.e.

fθi=f(θi+δ)f(θiδ)2δ\begin{equation} \frac{\partial f}{\partial \theta_i} = \frac{f(\theta_i + \delta) - f(\theta_i - \delta)}{2\delta} \end{equation}

with δ\delta being a small number we can freely set. Thus, to create a numerical gradient estimator, we need to pass in δ\delta along with the concurrent parametric estimator.

from quri_parts.core.estimator.gradient import create_numerical_gradient_estimator

numerical_gradient_estimator = create_numerical_gradient_estimator(

Now, we may estimate the gradient of the parametric state on θ=0.1,  ϕ=0.2\theta = 0.1,\; \phi = 0.2.

numerical_gradient_estimator(operator, param_state, [0.1, 0.2]).values
[(-0.3508315860045741+0j), (0.530647747964963+0j)]

Parameter shift gradient estimator

The parameter shift rule was introduced in the cited paper below 1. As a very quick review, we may write the parameter shift rule as:

fθi=afΘaΘaθi=12a[f(Θa+π2)f(Θaπ2)]Θaθi\begin{equation} \frac{\partial f}{ \partial \theta_i} = \sum_{a} \frac{\partial f}{\partial \Theta_a} \frac{\partial \Theta_a}{\partial \theta_i} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{a} \left[ f(\Theta_a + \frac{\pi}{2}) - f(\Theta_a - \frac{\pi}{2}) \right]\frac{\partial \Theta_a}{\partial \theta_i} \end{equation}

where ff is the expectation value of any operator estimated on a circuit state, Θa\Theta_a are independent gate parameters and θi\theta_i are the independent circuit parameters.

To create a parameter shift gradient estimator, we only need to pass in the concurremt parametric estimator to the generating function: create_parameter_shift_gradient_estimator.

from quri_parts.core.estimator.gradient import create_parameter_shift_gradient_estimator

param_shift_gradient_estimator = create_parameter_shift_gradient_estimator(

Now, we may estimate the gradient of the parametric state on θ=0.1,  ϕ=0.2\theta = 0.1,\; \phi = 0.2.

param_shift_gradient_estimator(operator, param_state, [0.1, 0.2]).values
[(-0.35083207256340865+0j), (0.5306488303307605+0j)]

We can see that the result is very close to the one estimated by the numerical gradient estimator.

Explanation of how gradient evaluation by parameter shift rule works

When evaluating the gradient with parameter shift rule, parameters of each parametric gates need to be shifted independently, even if they depend on the same circuit parameters. It is also necessary to compute derivative of each gate parameter with respect to the circuit parameters so that we can use chain rule of differentiation. Therefore we need the followings:

  • The parametric circuit where each gate parameters are treated as independent (UnboundParametricQuantumCircuit in QURI Parts).
  • Parameter shifts for each gate parameters for each circuit parameters.
  • Differential coefficients corresponding to each parameter shifts.
from quri_parts.circuit.parameter_shift import ShiftedParameters
from quri_parts.core.state import ParametricCircuitQuantumState
from typing import Sequence, Collection

def get_raw_param_state_and_shifted_parameters(
state: ParametricCircuitQuantumState,
params: Sequence[float]
) -> tuple[ParametricCircuitQuantumState, Collection[tuple[Sequence[float], float]]]:

param_mapping = state.parametric_circuit.param_mapping
raw_circuit = state.parametric_circuit.primitive_circuit()
parameter_shift = ShiftedParameters(param_mapping)
derivatives = parameter_shift.get_derivatives()
shifted_parameters = [
d.get_shifted_parameters_and_coef(params) for d in derivatives

raw_param_state = ParametricCircuitQuantumState(state.qubit_count, raw_circuit)

return raw_param_state, shifted_parameters

Here, the returned raw_param_state is the parametric circuit quantum state holding a parametric circuit with all of its parameters independent of each other. shifted_parameters holds:

{(Θ0,,Θa±π2,,ΘNgates1),±12Θaθi}\begin{equation} \left\lbrace \left(\Theta_0, \cdots ,\Theta_a \pm \frac{\pi}{2}, \cdots ,\Theta_{N_\text{gates}-1}\right), \pm\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial \Theta_a}{\partial \theta_i} \right\rbrace \end{equation}

For example, let's look at the shifted parameters and coefficients with circuit parameters θ=0.1,  ϕ=0.2\theta = 0.1,\; \phi = 0.2. In the linear mapped circuit we constructed above, the circuit parameter and gate parameters are related via:

Θ1=(θ2+ϕ2+12)πΘ2=(θ2+ϕ3)πΘ3=(θ3ϕ212)π\begin{equation} \begin{split} \Theta_1 &= \left(\frac{\theta}{2} + \frac{\phi}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\right)\pi \\ \Theta_2 &= \left(-\frac{\theta}{2} + \frac{\phi}{3}\right)\pi \\ \Theta_3 &= \left(\frac{\theta}{3} - \frac{\phi}{2} - \frac{1}{2}\right)\pi \end{split} \end{equation}
raw_state, shifted_params_and_coefs = get_raw_param_state_and_shifted_parameters(
param_state, [0.1, 0.2]
bound_circuit = param_state.parametric_circuit.bind_parameters([0.1, 0.2]).parameter_map
gate_parameters = np.array(list(bound_circuit.values()))
gate_param_str = ", ".join(map(lambda f: str(np.round(f/np.pi, 3)) + "π", gate_parameters))
print(f"Gate parameters: ({gate_param_str})")

for i, params_and_coefs in enumerate(shifted_params_and_coefs):
print(f"Parameter shifts for circuit parameter {i}:")
for p, c in params_and_coefs:
p_str = ", ".join(map(lambda f: str(np.round(f/np.pi, 3)) + "π", p))
diff = np.array(p) - gate_parameters
p_str = ", ".join(map(lambda f: str(np.round(f/np.pi, 3)) + "π", diff))
print(f" gate params: ({gate_param_str}) + ({p_str}), coefficient: {c/np.pi: .3f}π")
Gate parameters: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π)

Parameter shifts for circuit parameter 0:
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, -0.5π, 0.0π), coefficient: 0.250π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, 0.5π, 0.0π), coefficient: -0.250π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (-0.5π, 0.0π, 0.0π), coefficient: -0.250π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, 0.0π, 0.5π), coefficient: 0.167π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.5π, 0.0π, 0.0π), coefficient: 0.250π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, 0.0π, -0.5π), coefficient: -0.167π

Parameter shifts for circuit parameter 1:
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, 0.0π, -0.5π), coefficient: 0.250π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (-0.5π, 0.0π, 0.0π), coefficient: -0.167π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, 0.5π, 0.0π), coefficient: 0.167π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.5π, 0.0π, 0.0π), coefficient: 0.167π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, 0.0π, 0.5π), coefficient: -0.250π
gate params: (0.617π, 0.017π, -0.567π) + (0.0π, -0.5π, 0.0π), coefficient: -0.167π

We then obtain the gradient by

  1. estimating the expectation value of the operator for each shifted gate parameters
  2. sum them up with the corresponding coefficients multiplied.

This can be done as follows:

from quri_parts.core.estimator import Estimatable

def get_parameter_shift_gradient(
op: Estimatable,
raw_state: ParametricCircuitQuantumState,
) -> list[complex]:
# Collect gate parameters to be evaluated
gate_params = set()
for params_and_coefs in shifted_params_and_coefs:
for p, _ in params_and_coefs:
gate_params_list = list(gate_params)

# Prepare a parametric estimator
estimator = create_qulacs_vector_concurrent_parametric_estimator()

# Estimate the expectation values
estimates = estimator(op, raw_state, gate_params_list)
estimates_dict = dict(zip(gate_params_list, estimates))

# Sum up the expectation values with the coefficients multiplied
gradient = []
for params_and_coefs in shifted_params_and_coefs:
g = 0.0
for p, c in params_and_coefs:
g += estimates_dict[p].value * c

return gradient

# Example
gradient = get_parameter_shift_gradient(operator, raw_state, shifted_params_and_coefs)
print("Estimated gradient:", gradient)
Estimated gradient: [(-0.35083207256340865+0j), (0.5306488303307605+0j)]


  1. Mitarai, K. and Negoro, M. and Kitagawa, M. and Fujii, K., Phys. Rev. A 98, 032309 (2018). arXiv:1803.00745.